Obtain Funding For Consulting Services

Australian Funding Programs for Consulting Services
A common mistakes that new business owners make is thinking that they can do everything themselves. Many entrepreneurs require some expert advice when it comes to starting and maintaining the success of their small business.
What Kind of Assistance Can I Expect From a Consultant?
Financial management and general accounting are an area of a small business where it is often wise to hire a professional consultant to assist with decision making. A financial consultant offers industry specific professional advice for a fee. This advice ranges from financial planning and management, money advice, debt management, investment, insurance advice and much more.
How Can Funding Programs Help Me Cover the Costs of Hiring a Consultant?
As mentioned above financial consultants often work for a fee. However, the money that a consultant can potentially save or earn for your business is often more than the fee that they charge. If you would like to hire a financial consultant for your small business but simply do not have enough funds, you can try one of the 109 grant or 82 loan programs that are currently being offered to eligible entrepreneurs.

How can Australia Startups help ?

AustraliaStartups gives small business owners and entrepreneurs the knowledge and tools to make starting a business simple. Whether you're just starting out or expanding an existing business, the Startup Portal contains valuable resources for every step of the way, from start to launch!

Business Plan Builder
Our interactive Business Plan Tool allows you to build a professional plan by having you answer a few questions about your business. Details >>
Investor PitchDeck
Getting funding requires a little convincing. A powerful presentation can arouse interest and make your business stand out from the rest.Details >>

Funding Database
Browse listings for over 1,500 funding sources ( both government & private) and apply to over $56 million in available funding for small business. Details >>
Tools and Resources
Members get access to thousands of business documents, tools and resources to help their small business succeed. Details >>

Browse Hundreds of Funding Programs

Most entrepreneurs fail before they've even started due to a lack of funding or capital required to get their business started.

Funding - both from the government and private investors - IS available for your business. While there are hundreds of funding programs out there to help small business owners to develop and market their projects, finding these programs is often difficult and time-consuming. Don't make the mistake of using your life's savings to finance your business only to come up short. Use the Funding Database to tap into over 1,500 funding programs including grants, loans, tax credits and angel investors available for Australian small business owners.

Use the Funding Database search tool to generate a personalized list of funding programs offered to businesses in your region, your industry and for your particular funding needs. Chances are your business qualifies for dozens of these funding programs. Access program details, qualification criteria, contact details and application forms right from the comfort of your home.

Start your funding search now!

310Funding Assistance
862Private Investments

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